Havana Club Cuban Smoky 750ml

Havana Club Cuban Smoky 750ml

Product Code: 8501110081931

Deep amber, with the signature Havana Club vibrancy and transparency. Well-balanced and light on the nose, with notes of dried fruit and a delicate smokiness. Intense smoky flavour with a gentle sweetness and cocoa/dark chocolate flavours, followed by a lingering dry spiciness. Balanced and elegant finish.

  • Alcohol content : 40.0%
  • Quantity per container : 1
  • Container Size : 750 mL
  • Country of origin : Cuba

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$44.19 /UNIT
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Kennebecasis Valley 115 prom. Campbell Drive Rothesay 5
Moncton - Vaughan Harvey 53 boul. Vaughan Harvey Blvd. Moncton 12
Dieppe - rue Regis St 513 rue Regis Street Dieppe 10

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