Chateau St Jean Chardonnay 750ml

Chateau St Jean Chardonnay 750ml

Product Code: 089819055098

This classic Sonoma County Chardonnay displays bright aromas of lemon cream, mango and notes of toasted hazelnut. The generous fruit flavors of pear and melon on the palate provide a rich mouth feel which is nicely balanced by cleansing acidity. This wine has a subtle elegance with a lingering finish.

  • Sweetness Level : 0
  • Country of origin : USA - California
  • Container Size : 750 mL
  • Quantity per container : 1

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$15.01 /UNIT $24.81
Store Address City Quantity
Miramichi - rue Pleasant St 221 rue Pleasant Street Miramichi 7
Miramichi - Chatham Chatham Shopping Mall Miramichi 8

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